
Year of Your Life

Douglas, IOM

Year of Your Life (YOYL) is a full-time one-year internship dedicated primarily to serving Living Hope Church on the Isle of Man. The programme is aimed at committed Christians, 18 years and older who are fully on board with the vision and heart of Living Hope.

Each intern will have a role that requires them to serve for at least 35 hours a week in a variety of areas across Living Hope. This includes areas such as youth work, children’s work and administration, as well as weekend services and special events. In addition to their serving hours, interns will typically receive 2- 4 hours a week of theological or ministry training.

Their role will be attached to one of the seven Living Hope congregations and will be managed by that congregation’s eldership team. Each intern will also be hosted by a family on the Isle of Man.

All interns can expect their faith to be challenged and built up through serving, mentorship and being exposed to leadership meetings on a regular basis and they will serve on the YOYL team alongside other like-minded young people. The programme includes weekly times set aside for building and having fun together as a team, making the most of the outdoors experiences that the Isle of Man has to offer.

Visit their website to find out more or email Adrian Porter: adrian.porter@livinghope.im