
The Expression of our Unity

Ephesians 4:7-16

October 1, 2023 • Richard Caldwell Jr. • Ephesians 4:7–16


We have considered what is necessary for a local church to enjoy and live out the unity that we have been given in Jesus Christ.

We have seen:

The ambition necessary for local church unity — a worthy walk.

The attitudes necessary for local church unity — humility, gentleness, and patience.

The actions necessary for local church unity — forbearance and holy zeal for its preservation (we treasure it and put effort into the maintenance of it).

The awareness necessary for local church unity — all the things we have in common in our fellowship with the Spirit, with the Son, and with the Father (what we live out is based on knowledge, doctrine, theology).

So, having considered the need for unity, and the elements of it, HOW IS IT LIVED OUT?

How has God designed for a UNIFIED CHURCH TO FUNCTION?

Which brings us to verses 7-16, and an explanation regarding the operation of spiritual gifts.

Spiritual gifts DISPLAY our unity, but they also CONTRIBUTE to the maintaining of the unity we have in Christ. We live out unity not just in personal relationships but in the work of ministry. MUTUAL MINISTRY IS A MEANS OF GOD FOR THE UNITY OF HIS CHURCH.

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