
Christmas At The Crossroads - "Looking For Christmas"

December 4, 2022 • Pastor Scott Weatherford • Isaiah 9:6

Introduction: We look ....tis the season. We Look for kin

folks to arrive...planes to board....time to pass...hope to

anchor....joy to embrace....peace to become real....love to

experience. We Look...tis the season.

But there must be more than the looking. There is a

longing, a desire...this season enfolds a mystical nuance

that builds the looking into an expectation. I remember

the looking from my childhood. The hope of gifts unseen,

the joy of families gathered, the peace that was sung

about and experienced, the love that filled the air with an

aroma of acceptance.

I remember looking through the years of my family.

Looking for the gleam in my children’s eyes, the love in

Tara’s face, the joy from the people who God had

entrusted me to love and lead.

Now I Look....but for what. Here on this beginning of

Christmas season, I, like you, look. We gather to sing, to

listen, to experience something or someone who might fill

this longing expectation. We look...tis the season.