
His Story

Start Here

April 23, 2017 • Bradley Williams

So why should any of us care about the story of Jesus? Why should it make any difference in our lives? There are a lot of people who wonder what the big deal is about a Jewish Rabbi from 2000 years ago. This past Sunday we explored the reality of what Jesus actually wanted people to do in response to His message and why any of us should care.

The King's Tomb

April 16, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

The Resurrection of Jesus changes everything. Some would dismiss it. Others would diminish it. At Forum, we affirm it and preach about it - loudly. Bottom line, it doesn’t matter what anyone says about it if it is just some hollow platitude or add on in your life. What are you personally doing with Jesus? This message will challenge you to examine this truth.

The King's Cross

April 9, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

So what’s the big deal with the cross of Christ? Why does it seem that “the church” obsesses with it? What difference does it make? This message unpacks the greatness, beauty, centrality, and grace of our King's Cross.


April 2, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

The drama accompanying the crucifixion of Jesus captivates our attention. While it was a one time event, it’s an event that continues to change the world. But how? Why does the death of an itinerant vagabond who near wrote a book, never patented an invention, or never made any huge medical advance continue to change lives and change the world?

Relentless Pursuit

March 26, 2017 • Bradley Williams

What is it that makes the story of Jesus so fascinating? Why has Christianity survived for thousands of years? This week we explore John chapter 18 and uncover one of the most striking and remarkable qualities of Jesus that if we were to model in our own life could change things forever.


March 19, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

Do you have trouble praying? Do you find your prayer life limping along? Join in this message and look at the prayer life of Jesus

The Spirit

March 12, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

God created us for relationship with Him. So many people try to fill their lives with stuff that will never fill the void. God sent Jesus to die for us. God gave His Spirit to live in us. This teaching focuses on God’s abiding presence in the lives of believers.

The Divine Expectation

March 5, 2017 • Bradley Williams

In a world of competing ideas about who God is and what God potentially wants from us how are we to know the difference between what is real and what is human invention? Jesus had a lot to say about what His expectations are and how we should live them out in our daily lives. This week we explore John 15 and the big question Jesus answers: "What is the divine expectation?"

Promise and Peace

February 26, 2017 • Blake Cohea

The world has a way of making us worry about anything and everything, but the Prince of Peace tells us that there is more to this life. How do we move from a place of worry to a place of complete peace like Jesus promises?


February 19, 2017 • Scott Sutherland

Jesus is Lord! That statement defines God’s mission to save this world. “Lord” has such a deep meaning of ultimate power, status, and sovereignty. So why does “The Lord” wash feet? Who is this Lord? What defines Him? In turn, how does He define His followers?