
session five

1 Thess. 4:13-18

Bradley Williams

One of the foundational elements of our faith is the belief that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. In the section of Scripture that this session covers we will explore an interesting phrase used by Paul to describe a teaching of Jesus not found anywhere else in the Bible.

session one

Scott Sutherland

This lesson is the intro to our study and explores the backdrop of the letter and more specifically how the church at Thessalonica started.

session two

Scott Sutherland

In this session, we examine how the message of the Gospel rippled out from the believers in Thessalonica and what actions they took to make it happen.

session three

Scott Sutherland

When our lives are in alignment with Jesus it can actually inspire others to follow Jesus. In this session, we explore how the witness of the church in Thessalonica make a difference in the lives of others.