
The Beauty of Becoming - Part 1 - Humility

April 29, 2023 • Pastor Travis Walker

“Self-awareness is one of the most important gifts we can give to ourselves and the ones we love. The good news is that God wants to give you that gift! 

Since he is the only one who truly knows you – growing in your knowledge of him automatically makes you a more self-aware person. The bible reflects our soul back to us in a way that allows us to grow in self-awareness the same way the mirror on the wall helped us grow in physical self-awareness as a child. Without this gift we will live our life in the continual frustration that Paul described in Romans 7: “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” (Romans 7:15) 

The gift of self-awareness is to be able to answer this question beyond the fact that we are sinners – but that we are also each wonderfully unique, but broken children created in the image of a loving God that he wants to restore back to wholeness again. This is what this sermon series is all about. Join us this Sabbath for Part 1: Humility.

The Beauty of Becoming Part 10 - Let's Go Glow

July 15, 2023 • Pastor Travis Walker

When Jesus says, “I am the light of the world”, he is declaring he is the ultimate Source of truth and hope for humanity. But what about when he says, “You are the light of the world”? How can sinful humans like us be called not just a light but “the” light? Pastor Travis will answer that question and more in part 10 (final part) of The Beauty of Becoming, with a sermon entitled “Let’s Go Glow” — as we conclude our Kids Vacation Bible School (VBS) Celebration Sabbath!

The Beauty of Becoming Part 9 - The Salty Church

July 8, 2023 • Pastor Travis Walker

2023 July 8 - The Beauty of Becoming Part 9 - The Salty Church - Pastor Travis Walker Watered down, diluted, bland, and flavorless” are definitely not the words any restaurant would want written about their menu in a review - how much less for our Christian/Religious experience! So what should our Christianity taste like? Jesus said it should taste like salt. What did he mean? Join us this Sabbath to find out as Pastor Travis continues he’s series “The Beauty of Becoming” with a sermon entitled “Salty Church”

The Beauty of Becoming Part 8 - The Persecution Paradox

July 1, 2023 • Pastor Travis Walker

2023 July 1 - The Beauty of Becoming Part 8 - The Persecution Paradox - Pastor Travis Walker This is the paradox. The more we love God and one another the more the world will hate us. And the opposite is also true — the less we love God and one another the more the world will accept us. The question is why? If the greatest need of the human heart is love—then why, when we become the embodiment of love, are we correspondingly rejected by the very ones who need it? We will explore that question and more this Sabbath as Pastor Travis continues his series on the Beatitudes, The Beauty of Becoming, Part 8 — The Persecution Paradox.