When it comes to the Christmas story, we miss out on the surprise and wonder because we are too easily enamored with the superficial. This series is about uncovering the true meaning of Christmas.
Majesty Concealed in Modesty
December 24, 2023 • Pastor Tim Zuck • Philippians 2:5–7
The most extraordinary gift of all was concealed in an ordinary form. Jesus left his throne in heaven above and took the form of a humble servant. He lived a life of obscurity in a small town with a less than respectable reputation. Jesus’ majesty truly was concealed in modesty.
Lived to Die
December 17, 2023 • Pastor Tim Zuck • Hebrews 2:14–15
The greatest story ever told explains the greatest paradox ever to behold: Jesus, the Son of God lived to die so that we might have life through Him.
Lesser is Greater
December 10, 2023 • Pastor Tim Zuck • Luke 1:46–55, Hebrews 2:5–9
Lesser than is sometimes greater than what you think. In the economy of God, the last shall be first; the humble are elevated to exalted status. God uses the weak to shame the strong. For example, Mary, a humble young woman was chosen by God to bear the Savior of the world.
Mysterious Union
December 3, 2023 • Pastor Tim Zuck • John 1:1–14
Jesus, the Son of God is a marvel of nature. He became something He was not - a man and yet remained what He always was - the second person of the Trinity.