
Sojourners | Pain is Gain

We share suffering with Christ

April 28, 2024 • Jason Corder • 1 Peter 4

Imagine you’re standing in your kitchen, bedroom, or at your desk, you are probably surrounded by drawers, small compartments built to access and put away things you may need.  

  Many people live functionally compartmentalized lives. Whether they realize it or not, they have divided their lives neatly into two drawers: real life and spiritual life.  The “real life” drawer is the one they dig into frequently and are most comfortable with. It contains everything about everyday life, like their job, physical health, friends and family, leisure, money, possessions, and daily routine.

And then there's the second drawer, the 'spiritual life' drawer. This is where all the 'God' stuff goes. It’s the drawer for our Sunday worship, our small groups, our tithes and offerings, our short-term mission trips, and those evangelistic conversations with neighbors or extended family members.

  The goal is that as we grow in Christ, these two doors become one.  We should increasingly resemble Jesus not only on Sunday but every day.  Peter says to arm yourselves with the attitude that pain is gain. 

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