
An Unexplainable Grace Exists!

May 19, 2024

In this show, Focus On The Immaculate Heart president, Guy Murphy, who has personally visited Medjugorje over 80 times in the course of 30 years, discusses his great enthusiasm as to how Pope Francis has now given the green light for pilgrimages to Medjugorje.

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We Are Family Part 1

May 26, 2024 • Fr Tony Ricard

Part 1 of 2 Fr. Tony Ricard is a native of New Orleans and a proud graduate of Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School and St. Augustine High School. In this interview, filmed on location at his former parish Our Lady Star of the Sea, Fr. Tony along with former seminarian now Reverend, Josh Johnson talk about the Holy Family and how we are all one family under God.

Lessons Of Love From Mother Teresa

May 5, 2024

Many young men and women entertain idealistic thoughts of traveling to a poverty-striken corner of the world to work with the poor. In the summer of 1986, 21 yr. old Susan Conroy, didn't just think about it -- she did it! Susan left her family and friends and headed off to Calcutta, India to assist Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity. She worked alongside Mother Teresa trying to learn her ways of selfless love, devotion and service. During this time she also came to know of St. Therese of Lisieux and learned that a remarkable book -- completed in 1881 by an aged French priest -- has spurred Therese into the convent. Then, for more than a century, it vanished into obscurity. Now just when they world needs it most, Susan Conroy has translated that book, "The End of the Present World and The Mysteries of the Future Life" into English for the very first time. She also shares a treasury of lessons of love learned from Mother Teresa and from the poorest of the poor. It is a story of how all things are possible with God.

Journey Of Prayer

April 28, 2024

The late Ferdinand Roccanti’s shows were always engaging and inspiring. In this Focus throwback, joined by his supportive wife Barbara, Ferdinand revealed details of their personal prayer journey that carried them through some of life’s most difficult circumstances. As they shared their favorite prayers and devotions, the ones that became such an integral part of their prayer life, this show will always be a comforting companion on your own Journey Of Prayer.