
Friends In High Places

October 6, 2024

Praying for the intercession of Virgin Mary and the Saints can sound like we can try to get “Friends in High Places” to run interference for us, although here on Earth we sometimes seek friends in order to get a speeding ticket fixed, buy merchandise at a lower price, or have some problem resolved. For Catholics, that is definitely not what devotion to Mary or the Saints represents. God alone is the source of all grace and blessings. The Saints or Mary do not fix things for us apart from God or convince God to do anything other than his holy will for us. You are about to hear how one woman received beautiful spiritual insights and experienced an intense feeling of peace, love, grace, and mercy during a visit to the Rosa Mystica house of prayer in Edmeston, NY. If we ask our friends on Earth to pray for us, why not ask our firends in heaven to do the same?

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