
Giving Your Child a Love for Adventure

July 5, 2024 • Greta Eskridge

Greta Eskridge loves adventure. At sixteen, her dad encouraged her to go on a five-week mission-trip with him to India. Not only was it her first trip outside the United States, but it was also her first time flying. Excited to try something new, she spent a lot of time preparing for the trip, which meant sacrificing opportunities with peers during her sixteenth summer. Today, she says it was worth it because of the memories she and her dad made on that mission-trip, which they still love talking about. Now a mom of four children—ages 9 to 16—Greta loves introducing her kids to adventure. She believes adventuring with your young children is more than taking a trip around the world. It can be as simple as going on trips to the store, taking walks on local hiking trails, reading a book together or doing fun activities indoors. In this interview, she will inspire parents to get their kids outside their daily routines and experience the thrill of adventure as a family.