
The Unexpected Pitfalls of Teasing in Your Family

April 29, 2024 • Ginger Hubbard, Danny Huerta

A lot of families enjoy teasing each other. But parents need to be aware of the risks because children can easily confuse teasing with criticism. Or teasing behavior may actually mask underlying motives of wanting attention, selfishness, or a power-play to make someone feel less valuable. Playful teasing may be okay as long as it’s balanced with genuine love, humility, and lots of encouragement.

How Loneliness Can Draw You Closer to Jesus

May 15, 2024 • Ruth Bell Graham

On day 2, Ruth shares more stories about Bible characters who learned importance lessons in their loneliness — David, Daniel, and Abraham. Then Ruth shares her favorite memory about a lonely Christmas where her husband went on a hunting trip, but she found ways to express her gratitude and even worship to the Lord. Ruth describes some dangerous responses to loneliness, and she explains how solitude is better than loneliness, but it’s a choice we have to make in our perspective.

How Loneliness Can Draw You Closer to Jesus

May 14, 2024 • Ruth Bell Graham

Loneliness is like an ache and often we feel ashamed to admit that we feel lonely. Ruth Graham shares national statistics about how half of American adults feel lonely, and how loneliness can affect us emotionally and physiologically. Ruth describes her 4 failed marriages and how her father, Billy, was very gracious and forgiving of her mistakes. Part of Ruth’s loneliness stemmed from missing her father as a child. She relates the Bible story of Hagar and how God sees us when we’re lonely, and she described the value of having community. On day 2, Ruth shares more stories about Bible characters who learned importance lessons in their loneliness — David, Daniel, and Abraham. Then Ruth shares her favorite memory about a lonely Christmas where her husband went on a hunting trip, but she found ways to express her gratitude and even worship to the Lord. Ruth describes some dangerous responses to loneliness, and she explains how solitude is better than loneliness, but it’s a choice we have to make in our perspective.

Effective Habits to Embrace in Parenting

May 13, 2024 • Dr. Randy Schroeder

To be an effective parent, you must be a leader in your child’s life, guiding with a gentle hand and setting a solid example. In this one-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Dr. Randy Schroeder provides the insight you need to be a leader-parent. As he explores the foundational Rs—relationship, routines, responsibilities, and rules—you’ll better understand the role you play in your child’s life. You’ll learn great phrases to employ such as “Either/Or/You Decide” and “When You/Then You”. While there is no perfect parent, this nuts-and-bolts material will equip you to lead your child in a loving, confident manner.