
Season 7, Episode 3: Making Valentine's Day Amazing

February 9, 2024

How are you planning to celebrate Valentine's Day this year? To give you some ideas, John, Greg and Erin each share their opinion on an ideal Valentine's Day date. You'll also hear from a few Focus staff members, who tell about their favorite Valentine's Day memories. Plus, if you're in a spot where you can't afford to spend a lot of money, John, Erin and Greg will give you a few helpful perspectives.

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Season 7, Episode 4: Oh No! I Missed Valentine's Day

February 16, 2024

Did you accidentally forget to celebrate Valentine's Day? The truth is, we all make mistakes in our marriages, but if you forgot to celebrate February 14th, you'll be encouraged by the tips John, Greg and Erin give. They'll share how to make the most of missed opportunities. Also, some of our own staff members describe the need to show your spouse grace after a mistake.

Season 7, Episode 2: Pulling the Plug on Busyness

February 2, 2024

You long for romantic dates with your spouse, but how are those possible when the schedule is full? John and the Smalley's share how they've navigated busy seasons in their marriages. Courtney Ellis describes how she dealt with a full season in her family. Also, Jodie Berndt offers ideas for how to pray for your mate, even when life is busy.

Season 7, Episode 1: Making a Marriage Happy

January 26, 2024

How would you define a "happy" marriage? John, Greg and Erin explore that very question. You'll also hear Ted Lowe discuss some of the components of a good relationship. Also, Lisa Jacobson and her friend Phylicia Masonheimer share about a concept called, "biblical flirtation." https://donate.focusonthefamily.com/don-product-2024-01-22?refcd=2006502 https://focusonthefamily.com/podcastsurvey/