
Q&A 2021-Part 1

Volume 9

August 7, 2021 • Pastor Mike Fabarez

Pastor Mike answers questions about God, the Bible, and Christianity.

Questions in this session:

1. Question on same sex attraction.
2. Do all pastors at Compass agree to all 5 points of grace.
3. Question related to understanding the differences between dispensational and Covenantal theologies and can they be reconciled.
4. How does a woman teach pastoral authority in a Christian College.
5. Questioner does not believe Jesus loves him.
6. How can we justify the celebration of Christmas which is based on a pagan holiday
7. How would you point out sin to another Christian
8. Why do I need to pray if God knows everything?
9. Is waiting on the Lord that simple, or is there more to it than that?
10 Explain the difference between faith works and salvation.
11. Does the atoning power of Christ result in healing in the here and now
12. How do predestination and free will coincide?
13. About Jesus and his baptism by John the Baptist – was this baptism an example?
14. Discuss the topic of head coverings in Corinthians.
15. Why are you a Pastor?

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