
Wednesday Night Bible Study

June 12, 2024
6:30 - 8:00pm

Join us for a Wednesday Night Bible Study to investigate the sermon series. We'll meet in Admin, the middle building. It's up to all of us to take ownership of our spiritual growth. This is the perfect opportunity to learn more and advance your faith.

This group will be set up for families, but help us out with an RSVP so we can plan accordingly. Pastor Faith will prepare activities for the kids so that they can build relationships as well, along with having Bible-related things to discuss. They will stay in the same room with us.

It's your choice to read or show up and listen. Or, depending on the week, you may do a combination of both.

Over the summer, we'll be using the Epic of Eden Study, which looks at God's Grace, Love, and Redemption throughout the Old Testament. This is a 12-week study, so it will carry us all the way through school. If you miss a session, you can re-watch it from https://fiumc.org/adult-groups

You can purchase the study guide online. The church has also purchased some copies as well. Reach out to the office about picking up a copy from them.