Instead of a movie sequel, this Sunday, we have a sermon sequel. Building upon the Pentecost Scripture from last week, we examine the rest of Peter’s sermon (Acts 2:22-42). Peter shares the Good News of Jesus. Jesus is God’s Son, the Savior, Promised Messiah, as was foretold long ago. He was crucified on a cross. He died and was buried, but he did not remain in the grave. He arose from the grave. Death did not win. Jesus is victorious! Jesus lives! He was alive and showed himself to many witnesses. He eventually ascended to the Father, but the Holy Spirit was sent so that we would not be alone, but the Spirit of God would be with us.
With the simple message of the Gospel, people were moved, asking how they should respond. Peter said that they should repent and be baptized. From the sermon at Pentecost, 3000 were added to their number that day. What an incredible impact!
The Good News of Jesus is not complicated and still makes an impact. As with Peter’s instructions, Jesus continues to invite us to repent, be baptized and follow Him.
In Christ,
Rev. Sherri