
The Consequence of Love

Celebraiton, 9 am

November 3, 2024

        This Sunday is the annual All Saints remembrance. We take the day to pause and remember that we are surrounded by a “great cloud of witnesses” and give thanks to God for members who have transitioned to their heavenly reward over the last year. This year we celebrate the lives of Jeff Blackwood, George Varner, Jeannie Cosper, Rodney Thompson, Ruth Chandler, Neita Taylor, Albert Gibson, Suzanne Phillips, and Stephe Wood. * What a legacy these leave upon our lives, this church, and our community.

               As you prepare for our annual All Saints remembrance, read John 11:32-44. In the middle of the passage, you can find the shortest verse of the Bible, “Jesus wept.” Scholars debate over why Jesus wept. Some say out of compassion for those gathered. Others believe it was sadness of Lazarus returning from heaven. Yet other scholars believe that it was Jesus’ own grief for Lazarus. What can’t be debated is the compassion which Jesus demonstrated by his weeping at Lazarus’ tomb. That same compassion is with us and for us as we navigate life. We also find in this verse, Jesus’ promise that “I am resurrection and the life.” The promise of Jesus as resurrection and life gives us hope and comfort. This week may the compassion, hope, and comfort found in this scripture strengthen you for the challenges you face.

In His Resurrection Power,

Rev. Sherri