
The Thief on the Cross

Celebration, 9 am

October 27, 2024 • Rev. Sherri Reynolds

The Man Promised Paradise (Luke 23: 32-43): This was the last day of his life. There was no hope. He was dying by Roman execution for his crimes. Next to him, was another man condemned to death. This man was different. He prayed for forgiveness for those who were tormenting him and killing him. Everyone was deriding him, even the third man dying with them. This man, Jesus, had done nothing wrong but grace and peace were evident as he died. There was something about Jesus which impacted the condemned criminal. He believed and asked Jesus if he would remember him when he came into His kingdom. Jesus promised that this he would receive the gift of paradise for trusting him. This was the response of the thief on the cross. How will you respond?

Do we really trust Jesus? Do we really trust Jesus with our life. Too often we hold back, wanting control. The man beside Jesus cross trusted in Jesus as he died. Where do we need to trust Jesus? Do we need to trust him with our time or our resources? Do we believe that our service and our words will make a difference through Jesus? How is Jesus inviting you to respond?