June 30, 2024 • Rev. Tommy Markham • Romans 12:9–21
We learn how to live every day of our lives. Sometimes we miss the mark. What’s to keep us from undue criticism? How is it that sharp remarks so freely slip out? What is the mark of a true Christian? Is not love the answer? Jesus says love God and your neighbor. Lord, help us to wake up every morning determined to let Christ's love flow out of all we do and say. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
To Pluck Up and To Plant - Modern Worship Service
June 23, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Jeremiah 1:4–10
Lord, listen to your children praying. We confess our failures and call upon your strength. We acknowledge our brokenness and cry out for your healing. We examine ourselves and our sin is clearly before us. Hear our prayers that are too deep for words. Lord, listen to your children praying in Jesus’ healing name. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
To Pluck Up and To Plant - Traditional Worship Service
June 23, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Jeremiah 1:4–10
Lord, listen to your children praying. We confess our failures and call upon your strength. We acknowledge our brokenness and cry out for your healing. We examine ourselves and our sin is clearly before us. Hear our prayers that are too deep for words. Lord, listen to your children praying in Jesus’ healing name. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
Here I Am, Send Me! - Modern Worship Service
June 16, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Isaiah 6
Gracious God, provider of all we need, we are often content to rely on our own devices, our creativity, our cleverness. We congratulate ourselves for our accomplishments, yet we find that these achievements and acquisitions do not fill the deep hunger inside of us. We long for the Spirit bread you alone can provide. Forgive us, merciful God. Help us receive the blessings you offer, that we may be your bread for the world—blessed, broken for all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
Here I Am, Send Me! - Traditional Worship Service
June 16, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Isaiah 6
Gracious God, provider of all we need, we are often content to rely on our own devices, our creativity, our cleverness. We congratulate ourselves for our accomplishments, yet we find that these achievements and acquisitions do not fill the deep hunger inside of us. We long for the Spirit bread you alone can provide. Forgive us, merciful God. Help us receive the blessings you offer, that we may be your bread for the world—blessed, broken for all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
Speak, For I Am Listening - Modern Worship Service
June 9, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • 1 Samuel 3:1–18
O God, we seek you, and yet we hide from you. At times we draw near, and at other times we move away. If we are honest, we sometimes prefer darkness to light; despair to hope; confusion to clarity. Help us receive the call to rebirth as a gift, and open our hearts and minds to the Spirit that makes all things new. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
Speak, For I Am Listening - Traditional Worship Service
June 9, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • 1 Samuel 3:1–18
O God, we seek you, and yet we hide from you. At times we draw near, and at other times we move away. If we are honest, we sometimes prefer darkness to light; despair to hope; confusion to clarity. Help us receive the call to rebirth as a gift, and open our hearts and minds to the Spirit that makes all things new. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
Burned, But Not Consumed - Modern Worship Service
June 2, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Exodus 3:1–13
Come to Christ, that living stone,
We have responded to Christ’s call, to be built into a spiritual house, a living reminder of God’s presence on earth.
Once we were no people, but now we are God’s people, called out of the darkness into God’s marvelous light.
Therefore we sing with the Church in all ages: Blessed is your name, O God, our Redeemer.
By your mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
Burned, But Not Consumed - Traditional Worship Service
June 2, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Exodus 3:1–13
Come to Christ, that living stone,
We have responded to Christ’s call, to be built into a spiritual house, a living reminder of God’s presence on earth.
Once we were no people, but now we are God’s people, called out of the darkness into God’s marvelous light.
Therefore we sing with the Church in all ages: Blessed is your name, O God, our Redeemer.
By your mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*