Do Not Be Afraid – Step into the Light - Modern Worship Service
March 31, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Mark 16:1–8
O God, on this holy morning we acknowledge the inadequacy of our resurrection faith. Where we have not perceived the breaking forth of your light, forgive us. Where we have been slow to believe the promises of your prophets, have mercy upon us. Where we have viewed one another from a human point of view, grant us the peace of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
Do Not Be Afraid – Step into the Light - Traditional Worship Service
March 31, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Mark 16:1–8
O God, on this holy morning we acknowledge the inadequacy of our resurrection faith. Where we have not perceived the breaking forth of your light, forgive us. Where we have been slow to believe the promises of your prophets, have mercy upon us. Where we have viewed one another from a human point of view, grant us the peace of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*
The Veil is Torn! - Modern Worship Service
March 24, 2024 • Rev. Brian Sixbey • Mark 15:6–39, Mark 11:1–11
Lord Jesus, We want to be your followers, and yet we hesitate to take up the cross. We want to be glorified with you, and yet we recoil from the shame that you endure. We want to enjoy the abundant life that you offer, and yet we fear the loss of life that you require. Look upon us with compassion in the days ahead, And unite us, not only in the fellowship of your suffering, but also in the power of your resurrection, for we ask in the power of Christ’s name. Amen.
*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*