
Pour Solutions

When alcohol is a coping method.

May 20, 2020 • Pastor Brian Sixbey & Leah McGlynn

Friends, when we are overwhelmed or don't feel seen, it's tempting to use solutions like alcohol to help us cope. Pastor Brian and Leah offer a different "pour solution," enlisting the help of Hannah and David.

If you need someone to talk with, email Pastor Brian: pastorbrian@firstumcfoxhill.org

Came with the Frame

July 8, 2020 • Pastor Brian Sixbey & Leah McGlynn

Friends, we are all born to a particular place, time, and family. These things become part of our context or frame and help define us, yet they are often distorted and limiting. In Jesus Christ, we get to live into a new frame that offers grace and freedom.

Save From What?

July 1, 2020 • Pastor Brian Sixbey & Leah McGlynn

In our experience, 3-year-olds ask the best God questions. Our Spirit-led answers often help us all find Jesus.

From Have-to to Get-to

June 24, 2020 • Pastor Brian Sixbey & Leah McGlynn

Friends, do you feel like everything has become a burden, even the good in your life? God can transform them into blessings if we begin to give thanks for those things, especially the people. They can go from being pains to being gifts.