
Young Couples

Brandon/Amber Elrod & Will/Maisie Bauer- Modular 1, Room 4

This is group is for those who are newlyweds or 1st-time parents. Each week we discuss the Bible in ways to gain more understanding of God's Word. We want to partner with you as you walk your spiritual journey. Join us as we navigate through life, creating and growing friendships, as we deepen our faith.

Our summer study is From This World to the World to Come.

Within decades of Jesus’s Great Commission, the gospel was beginning to spread to the ends of the earth through the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. New churches were being formed and missionaries sent to fulfill the mission for which Jesus was sent in the first place—to save people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. And as it was with Christ, this mission was not easy, bringing suffering and requiring endurance, even unto death. Yet for all who endure bearing the name of Christ crucified, these have the hope of sharing in His resurrection when He comes again with the new heavens and the new earth. 

The teaching style is teacher-led with class interaction.