
The Journey

David & Connie Bearden - Modular 5, Room 1

The group is currently studying the Book of Exodus. God never breaks His promises, and He never forgets His people. Through difficult circumstances the Lord used Joseph to bless not only his people, but the people of Egypt too. World empires and world leaders have short memories, however. It was not long until a Pharoah “who did not know Joseph” came to power and enslaved the Israelites for almost 400 years. God saw, He heard, and He acted by raising up a leader named Moses. When the Egyptians let God’s people go, their problems were not over. It did not take long for the Egyptians to second guess their decision and set out after the Israelites to destroy them. God would not let that happen and performed one of the greatest miracles told in the Bible by parting a sea to allow His children to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptians forever. You might think that the Israelites would have been forever grateful, but they had short memories and tested God at every turn. Join us on Sundays as we study how God worked in the lives of the Israelites to deliver, protect, provide, discipline, and teach them by showing them His power, His nature, and His greatness.

Teaching is typically lecture style, with video aspects and class discussion each week.