
Crushing The Curse

Broken Together

When humanity sinned, it changed the earth. Adam and Eve were married by God Himself and were naked and unashamed of who they were. There was literally nothing between them as husband and wife and nothing between them as individuals and God. Adam and Eve broke God’s law and drug the world into sin with them. Theologians refer to this event as the Fall. After the Fall the earth was cursed by sin.

Little Churches

February 16, 2020 • Eric Laverentz

For more than two generations the Church has thrown unprecedented resources at reaching the next generation: time, energy, lives and billions of millions of dollars. And we’re failing to reach the next generation for Jesus. Why? Join us as Pastor Eric concludes our sermon series Broken Together and hear him give hope to the question above.

Together, East of Eden

There is a reason the Bible is filled with stories of betrayal, adultery, violence, disappointment, heartache, defeat, persecution, racism and unbelievable pain. We all, just like Adam and Eve, live East of Eden. Jesus is Lord over the land east of Eden just like He is Lord over the Garden of Eden. He is Lord over light and darkness. He is Lord over death and life, joy and pain, good and evil.

Seeking the Broken

Pastor Eric begins our new sermon series "Broken Together" with a lesson about how we try to hide our true selves from Him and the world.