
What is a "Small Group"?

What Is a Small Group?

Most people who have been around a church for a while have a pretty good idea about what a small group is. Or do they? The following definition may give new understanding to the term “small group.”

A Small Group is an intentional gathering, meeting regularly for the purpose of joining God’s mission.

Let’s break this down:
A Small Group is an intentional gathering. This group of people agree to share life together. They have a purpose for getting together, plan where and when to meet, arrange their schedules to be there, and meet regularly.

People in small groups desire to be formed as Christ’s disciples and as such they will naturally join in God’s mission AND the group will have an understanding that they are gathering for the purpose of joining God’s mission.

This definition brings us beyond groups that meet for coffee when it’s convenient, groups whose sole purpose is to assimilate new members into the church, or groups that learn a lot of good information. These groups take seriously practicing spiritual habits that form hearts and lives into being disciples of Jesus. These groups are concerned with discovering how to be salt and light in the context in which God has placed them.

If you are interested in facilitating a new small group please talk to the Senior Pastor for guidance on how to get started.