
Romans - Hope of Future Glory

June 26, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Romans 5

Paul began his letter to the church in Rome, highlighting two basic principles. First, Mankind has a serious sin problem. Second, God has a plan to deal with it. The opening four chapters of the book bounce between these two principles. Our situation is that we were hopelessly locked up in sin and under the sentence of God’s righteous wrath because of it. But now, God has done a work of atonement in Jesus Christ by which we have been washed clean of our transgressions and invited back into a right relationship with the Almighty. This is accomplished in Christ Jesus, so we can’t boast about our own abilities or self-righteousness. Instead, we live under the blessing of being justified in Christ Jesus; and this not of our own ability but through faith in Jesus. As we move into Chapter 5, the Apostle turns his attention to what comes after we are justified by faith. What difference (if any) is this to make in our lives? This will be the focus of Paul’s writing for the next three chapters. Join us this Sunday, as we explore Romans 5.

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