
Slowed-Down Spirituality

January 16, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus

During the Church season of Epiphany, we celebrate and reflect on the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the entire world. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus isn’t a disembodied religious philosophy, but rather an incarnate intervention into human history with eternal significance. The “Called-Out” by God (the Ecclesia or Church) is to be recognized as followers of Jesus Christ, marked by a transformation in their individual and corporate lives regarded as discipleship.

Author and Pastor Peter Scazzero offers seven marks of healthy discipleship (which were introduced in last week’s sermon). Healthy disciple-making churches help people,
Be (in Christ Jesus) Before they Do (for Christ Jesus)
Follow the Crucified (not the Americanized) Jesus
Embrace God’s Gift of Limits
Discover the Treasures Hidden in Grief and Loss
Make Love the Measure of Spiritual Maturity
Break the Power of the Past
Lead out of Weakness and Vulnerability

Each of these markers of Christ-centered discipleship can be recognized as recurring themes throughout the entirety of Scripture. Discipleship that helps people grow in the above markers inevitably results in a church culture that is in sharp contrast to the worldly or secular culture all around us. Culture is (simply put) “The way we do things around here.” Life transforming Christian discipleship is evidenced in a church culture that is reflective of Jesus. Any church that is indistinguishable from the prevailing secular culture is (in actuality) suffering from unhealthy or nonexistent discipleship. Jesus says in John 12:26, “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.”

Church culture can become complacent, inwardly focused, fearful, legalistic, and condemning (to name a few). When this happens, a Church Culture Revolution is necessary. While First Covenant Church is doing many things well, there is room for improvement. Some old habits need to be cast off. Our culture needs to change. In the weeks to come, we will explore what a church culture that deeply changes lives looks like, allowing the seven marks listed above to flourish in our community. We begin by exploring one of the most challenging cultural hurdles for Christians in America, embracing a culture of Slowed-Down Spirituality.

In preparation for this Sunday, familiarize yourself with the following passages of Scripture: Proverbs 4:20-22, Psalm 1, Psalm 77:10-12, Exodus 14:14, Psalm 46:10, Luke 5:16, Ex. 20:8-11, Numbers 5:12-15, Mark 2:27, John 15:5, and Colossians 2:6-10a.