This Sunday begins our final week of Advent. As part of our Advent Conspiracy we will be taking up the challenge to Love All. When you embrace all four convictions; Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More and Love All, you may find yourself in unfamiliar territory. You will see Christmas from a different perspective and you will naturally want others to see Christmas the way. That’s what conspirators do.
Our final challenge is not unfamiliar for Christians. We know that love is at the very heart of God. Love is at the very heart of the incarnation. Love is at the very center of the crucifixion and the resurrection. In fact, Jesus’ entire ministry is marked by his love. Jesus elevates the Great Commandment in Luke chapter 10 which commands us to love. But what does that practically mean for you, and for this Church? What does it mean to Love All? Read Luke 10:25-37 in preparation for this Message.
Love all
December 19, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Luke 10:25–37
Worship Fully
November 28, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus
Ready or not, the season of Advent begins this Sunday. You may be someone who expectantly views Thanksgiving as the threshold to the “holidays,” which includes New Years Day as the conclusion. Maybe you circle “Black Friday” on your calendar and anticipate all the shopping deals (which have already begun in case you didn’t notice). Perhaps you have already booked airline tickets, assembled Christmas lists, gathered the decorations, set the DVR for all the Hallmark Christmas shows, scheduled parties, picked out your Christmas socks, assembled the cookie recipes, ordered the Christmas cards, knit your “Ugly Christmas Sweater,” and pulled out your favorite Christmas music. Or, maybe you’ve not done any of this. Do you know what’s missing in this long list? A baby, born in a manger, God’s Son. This Advent season you are invited to join a conspiracy that has impacted thousands of Christians over the past decade -- Jesus followers who have had the courage and conviction to make Jesus the primary focus of Christmas. They have conspired together to Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All. They dared to live counter-culturally (and in doing so), rediscovered the world-changing movement of God, breaking into human history -- in a barn! Throughout this series, we will be hosting a class after the morning service in which you can discuss Sunday's topic with other co-conspirators. So, grab some coffee, and a tasty treat and join us. There will also be an option for kids in the loft. This Sunday we begin by asking the question: What does it mean to Worship Fully? In preparation, read up on these four Christmas characters, Mary, Elizabeth, Joseph, and the shepherds of Bethlehem.
Spend Less
December 5, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus
It is now the second week of Advent. A season of preparation. We are to be preparing for the celebration of Christmas, Jesus’ birth. God incarnate! Advent is intended to be a time to prepare our hearts and quiet our minds so that we may worship fully the Savior of the World. But, if we’re honest, Advent has become a mad rush to try and live up to the cultural hype that our society embraces during this time of year. Nowhere is this more obvious than in our obsessing over gift giving. Think about it, is there anything that produces more http://anxiety...more http://frustration...more debt than trying to come up with the perfect gift?!? Spending big money at Christmas time has become an economic obligation in order to maintain our way of life. But is that what Christmas is really about? This morning, as part of our Advent Conspiracy series we are going to be challenged to “Spend Less.” But really, this is just one part of a much bigger, more Christ-Centered approach to Christmas. An approach which invites you to Spend less, but with greater generosity while expressing undivided affection.