
Miracles week 5

September 26, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • John 5:1–15

Jesus began His ministry in the North of Palestine in a region known as Galilee, far from the religious center of the Jewish faith in Jerusalem. In Galilee, Jesus was growing in popularity because of His teaching and incredible miracles. However, in Jerusalem, Jesus was just another traveling rabbi with a less than impressive group of followers. It is only a matter of time before Jesus begins to make waves for the religious elites in Jerusalem. This week we will be exploring John 5:1-15 as Jesus interacts with a paralyzed man who has spent the last 38 years of his life lying on a mat and dragging himself from place to place. The man's eyes fixed on the placid waters of Bethesda, are trained to detect the slightest ripples in the surface. Legend has it that the water was stirred by the presence of angels and that healing awaited anyone who could get into the pool in time to encounter the divine. For years this man had come up short because no one cared enough to help him get into the healing, life-giving waters of the mythical Bethesda pool. He never expected that the "Giver of Living Water" would personally appear and give him his One Big Day.
In preparation for this Sunday’s message read John 5: 1-15

Miracles week 9

October 24, 2021 • Pastor Dan May • Mark 6:45–56

As we continue to journey through some of the 33 recorded miracles of Jesus we find ourselves this week in a familiar scene, on the Sea of Galilee.  In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus and His disciples were in a boat on the Sea of Galilee.  A great storm arose and was about to sink the boat until Jesus stopped the wind and the waves.  The disciples were terrified... of Jesus!  They missed the point of the miracle.  This week we find the disciples once again in a boat on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 6:45-56).  Will this be the time when the disciples truly understand who Jesus is through the miracle He performs?  Or will the truth of another miracle go unnoticed!

Miracles week 8

October 17, 2021 • Pastor Chris Pappenfus • Mark 9

The miracles of Jesus are all carefully recorded in the Gospel Accounts as evidence and testimony to the authority of Jesus’ teaching and proclamation concerning the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ miracles backed up his words with power! Throughout our series we have seen Jesus claim an authority not only over sickness, but over sin as well - forgiving men and women of their sins as only God can do. This past Sunday Becca Gamboa led us through John’s account of raising Lazarus from the dead, demonstrating Jesus' power over death. This Sunday, we will be looking at an example of Jesus’ authority over the powers of darkness and the Devil through the healing of a boy with an evil spirit. This story miracle is recorded in Matthew, Luke and Mark 9:14-29 (which is what we will be studying). Consider reading all of Mark chapter 9 in preparation for this Sunday’s message.

Miracles week 7

October 10, 2021 • Becca Gardner • John 11

As we continue in our "Miracles of Jesus" series, we will encounter a well-known miracle in the Gospel of John chapter 11: the resurrection of Lazarus. Jesus and his disciples have just left a threatening situation, so they are headed to safety, when they get word that Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus was sick. Timing was everything, as the urgency of Lazarus's death seemed imminent. Come this Sunday to hear more, as we learn together about God's perfect timing, all for His glory.