
Judgement and Mercy

James 2:8-13

May 16, 2021 • Dr. Sean McDonough • James 2:8–13

In this message we explore the challenging question of the relationship between judgment and mercy. In a confrontation between the two, who wins? James 2:8-13 will give us some surprising answers.

A Servant of Jesus

January 31, 2021 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen

In this introductory message to the book of James, Pastor Jeremy explores the theme of servanthood and what it means to be a servant of Jesus.

How to Face Trials

February 7, 2021 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • James 1:2–4

Trials are an inevitable part of life in a fallen world. Naturally, we ask ourselves, how do I avoid the trial, remove the trial, or get out of the trial. But what if there was a better question that we should be asking—how should I face the trial? In this message, James teaches us how to face the various trials of life and to do so with joy.

How to Gain Wisdom

February 14, 2021 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • James 1:5–8

What do we need to face trials with joy? We need wisdom. But wisdom is much more than knowing a bunch of facts and information. In this message, we continue our study of James and learn how to gain the wisdom we need to appropriately navigate the trials and complexities of life.