
God's Kingdom

Matthew 6:9-13

September 24, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Matthew 6:9–13

When we pray, “Your kingdom come…on earth as it is heaven”, what are we actually praying for? What are we hoping will happen? What does this part of the Lord’s Prayer mean for our lives, our church, and the world? And why is praying it so important? We hope you can join us this Sunday as we consider the nature of God’s kingdom and the coming of God’s kingdom. We’ll discover the revolutionary importance of understanding and praying this second petition for ourselves and for one another.

Your Will Be Done

October 1, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Matthew 6:9–13

We've explored the nature and coming of God’s kingdom in our lives. But what does it look like for us to be kingdom-first people? The next petition in the Lord’s Prayer, “your will be done”, gives us the answer. We are called to do God’s will and model our lives after the King’s heart and the value system of heaven. Yet, how can we discern God’s will for the big and small decisions of everyday life? With all the commands in the Bible, considering God’s will can often feel overwhelming. Where do we even begin? Join us as we consider the two wills of God and how to relate to each of them.

God's Deliverance

October 29, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Matthew 6:9–13

Join us for the concluding message in our study of the Lord’s Prayer. We’ll be considering some vital principles on how to live the Christian life that we can learn from this final petition. These spiritual principles will answer common questions like —How does the gospel relate to our ongoing temptations? How do we recognize various temptations? And how does God help us to avoid temptation? We look forward to seeing you and celebrating our great Savior together!

God's Forgiveness

October 15, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Matthew 6:9–13

We continue our series in the Lord’s Prayer and kick off Engaging Missions Week. We will consider the fifth petition and the evergreen topic of forgiveness. We’re told in Scripture (Luke 24:47) that the message of God’s forgiveness is to be proclaimed to all the nations. But what about our daily need for God’s forgiveness? This week we’ll look at how the power of forgiveness is meant to operate in the daily life of the believer, both as a gift to receive from God and a gift to share with one another and the world.