
Mother's Day ASL Service

Happy Mother's Day

May 10, 2020 • Pastor Jeff Zigler

May 3rd ASL Service

May 3, 2020 • Pastor Jeff Zigler

Discussion Questions Who was Saul? Read Acts 9: 3-6. According to Pastor Jeff, what are the three things that discipleship means? How were these three things demonstrated in Paul’s life? What were the main points of Paul’s teachings? What were some of the main lessons that Paul taught? Reflect: Do you share any of the attitudes of Paul? Is there any attitude that needs to change in your heart? Why do you think that Paul is one of the greatest examples of discipleship for us to follow? Where are you personally on your journey of discipleship?

April 26th Online ASL Service

April 26, 2020 • Pastor Roger Ash

Discussion Questions Reflect: Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way that you think? What is the difference between being a believer and being a disciple of Christ? What are the 3 principles, Pastor Roger stated, of being a disciple of Christ? Do you live like you know that God is always and will always be in control? How important are relationships to you? What should a disciple’s main priority be in life? How does a disciple of Christ show humility? How does a disciple of Christ show servitude? Read Matthew 6:30 - 34 together. Where does Jesus tell us in these verses that our hearts and minds should be focused on?

God Loves YOU! (ASL)

April 19, 2020 • Pastor Jeff Zigler

Note - This is our first attempt, we are working to improve quality and production. Thank you for your patience and understanding. A BIG thank you to our ASL Interpreters!!! Sermon Discussion Questions 1. What do you think about when you think about Easter? 2. Read Matthew 28: 1-10 3. What does the empty tomb provide? 4. Why can we go to God in hope? 5. The Angel invited Mary to “Come and See.” God also invites us to “come and see” and to “taste and see.” What do you think this invitation allows us to do? 6. Jesus surprised everyone when He was resurrected, how can Jesus continue to surprise us today? 7. It is important that we tell others about Jesus, pray and ask God who you can bring to church. Who comes to mind? (Begin to pray for that person during this time and then invite them to church when we return! Or send them a link to the sermon!) 8. Do you have excitement or passion for Jesus? 9. What does the Resurrection bring? 10. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior? If not, are there steps that you now want to take to accept Jesus Christ as your savior?