
Who Is My Neighbor?

January 5, 2020

January 5, 2020 • Brian Gerard

Our theological, ideological, and political differences are becoming a primary source of brokenness in the world and if we are serious about bringing healing and hope into this particular time and place we have to address these issues head-on.

The question is, How do we do that?

As part of his message, Brian referred to the summary document created after the church-wide conversations that took place in September 2019. That document can be found at the link provided.

Diverse by Design

January 12, 2020 • Brian Gerard

In a society torn apart by theological, ideological, and political divides, the church is meant to be a reconciling presence. At the core of that ministry is the call of Jesus to build church that is diverse by design. In this message, Brian mentioned a previous sermon that details the concept of bonded and centered communities and why it is so important to First Christian Church of Louisville. You can find that sermon at the link provided.

Relationships Matter

January 19, 2020 • Brian Gerard

The first step in crossing the theological, ideological, and political divides that we face is to follow the example of Jesus and forming relationships with other people - especially those who are not like us. As part of his sermon, Brian mentioned the book, "I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening)" and the podcast "Pantsuit Politics". You can find both at the links provided.

Truth Matters

January 26, 2020 • Brian Gerard

If there is ever any hope for us to cross our theological, ideological, and political divides, we must recognize that the truth matters. During his sermon, Brian mentioned two resources. The first was a TED Talk by Eli Pariser about how online companies shape search results and what we see on social media and other online platforms. The second was a book by John Collins called, "What are Biblical Values". You can find both of them using the links provided.