

February 16-March 29, 2020

God our Savior

March 29, 2020 • Dr. Mark Kemp

We'll continue on from the call to pray for everyone last Sunday to God's desire and means to save everyone this Sunday. God's heart is filled with love for the world (John 3:16) and His desire is that all would come to Him in salvation through Jesus Christ. This will be an opportunity for us both to rejoice in God's salvation and be encouraged to be messengers of the good news to others. || Copyright License #443855

First of All Pray

March 22, 2020 • Dr. Mark Kemp

I'm returning to our series in 1 Timothy because this call to prayer is a good word for us to hear in this season. One of our church family values is "We pray together seeking the Lord's face." There is no time like the present for such a commitment. I believe you will be encouraged and helped by this message. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.

Fight the Good Fight

March 8, 2020 • Dr. Mark Kemp

The call to serve God is the call to enter into battle. Paul urged Timothy to be ready to "fight the good fight" as he confronted the false teaching in Ephesus. Ministry involves spiritual battle against forces of darkness that oppose the work of God and those who serve Him (see Ephesians 6:11-12). We should not be surprised when the battle comes. We can be ready and victorious in Christ!

Amazing Grace

March 1, 2020 • Dr. Mark Kemp

In this passage the Apostle Paul rejoices in the grace of God given to Him in Jesus Christ. He celebrates his own salvation through God's grace and declares that God saved him as an example of what he will do for others. Our salvation through God's grace in Christ is an amazing story too--even if it is not as dramatic as Paul's story. Let's reflect on, rejoice in, and relay to others the story of God's amazing grace!

To Tell the Truth

February 23, 2020 • Dr. Mark Kemp


February 16, 2020 • Dr. Mark Kemp

We start a new series from 1 Timothy called #beGod'sfamily. This is a follow up to the Welcome Home series from last fall. 1 Timothy 3:15 Paul wrote to Timothy, "I have written so that you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth." We'll start this Sunday with 1 Timothy 1:1-3 to introduce the letter and discover why it matters for our church family today.