We must join the work that God is doing beyond our own church.
We serve Christ with a Christian hope fixed on Him
We can increase the impact of our efforts in Christ's transforming work by laboring with other people.
We have a duty to display Christ to the unsaved.
We persist in prayer so that we remain Christ-focused in life.
Our work-life should display Christ to our world.
Gazing on Christ transforms our homes.
Unity in the church requires Christ-oriented decisions from God's people.
Our new life in Christ is displayed through unity among His people.
Our new life is centered on Christ.
Fixing our gaze on Christ stops us from returning to our former life.
Our union with the resurrected Christ changes everything.
Christian freedom comes through celebrating the righteousness of Christ.
Fixating on Christ alone keeps us from falling for any false worldview.
Christ produces stability in lives fixated on Him.