Spiritual stability relies on growing in Christ.
Encouraging one another daily will protect against willful rebellion.
Guest Speaker, Al Foster
Daily obeying God’s will requires a total commitment to Christ and living a transformed life.
God's grace enables Christians to serve others and trust God through humility.
Repentance restores your relationship with God after falling in sin.
The empty tomb allows us to face death with steadfast hope.
The empty tomb sits at the center of our faith.
We must not ascribe honor to fools surrounding us.
The Word must remain the center of our ministry.
We should thank God for what He is doing in each other.
The vitality of the church flows from the Christian’s dedication to discipling others.
Invest your energy in relishing Christ and not relishing public perception.
We need to submit to the totality of Christ in our inner life in order to glorify God in our mess.
God’s Word is greater than tradition! Let’s not neglect God’s Word. God’s Word is how we live out God’s tradition.