Mamas Meet Mamas is a monthly meet up at
First Baptist Church in Ponder, Texas.
101 S TX -156
Ponder, TX 76259
Our next meeting is December 9th from 10am-12pm. The first hour is spent in fellowship over brunch. The second hour is spent doing some type of craft, service project, listening to a speaker or something fun and of value.
Childcare is available first come, first serve. Once max capacity for childcare is reached, the option for childcare will not be available. I encourage you to secure your children’s spot right away if you plan on attending.
We will have a sign up sheet each month for everyone to pitch in and contribute to our brunch. If you are unable to contribute, but would still like to join, we understand. Sign up sheet will be shared after registration.
Please follow our Facebook page to see announcements and future events.
If you have been to one of our events or are registering, please make sure that you are in our community/private Facebook group too! This will be where we share pics, post details, updates and can connect in a smaller setting online.
We look forward to celebrating motherhood with you!