
My Story His Glory Sermon Series

Examining and Proclaiming God's Glorious Work in Our Lives

Abundant Purpose (June 2, 2024 LifeStream)

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Justin Turney • 1 Thessalonians 4:1–8, Titus 2:11–14

When we learn our purpose, we get so much more out of life and our relationship with God. This message explores the purpose that God has for your life. All of who we are to be and what we are to do can be summarized by these two things. If we will focus on these, then all of the other details will take care of themselves.

Word Alive Testimony

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Justin Turney • Proverbs 30:5–6, Hebrews 4:12, 1 Peter 1:22–25, Psalm 119:89–96, Psalm 119:49–56

We live in a culture where trust in God's Word is in sharp decline. It is important for Christians to share with those in their sphere of influence the power of God's Word and the moment where God's Word has leaped from the pages straight into their hearts and lives. If people who are ignorant about the Bible are going to listen to the Word of God, we must tell them of the impact that God's Word has had in our lives! This message explores these truths on a deeper level.

Salvation Testimony

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Justin Turney • Acts 26:4–29

Many times people don't share their salvation story because they think it is nothing special, but every testimony of Jesus saving and transforming lives is special. Every salvation testimony give glory to God. This message explores four main focuses of every salvation testimony. The details will vary, but the focuses will be consistent.

Let Them Know

August 13, 2023 • Pastor Justin Turney • John 1:43–49

One of the greatest ways to get people thinking about Jesus is to share your story with them. When we share our salvation story with others, the Spirit of God works through us to draw people to Jesus. One of the best things about sharing our story is the realization that it's highlighting what God does and it's Him who saves people.

The Power of a Testimony

August 6, 2023 • Pastor Justin Turney • Revelation 12:10–12

This message begins a series about the importance of the testimonies we are to share about God. There is great power in what Jesus has done for us. We share that power by living it out and declaring the power of the blood of THE LAMB upon our lives. This message challenges us to dwell upon the power of Jesus in our lives and to live in victory through His sacrifice.