
What Everybody Ought to Know

Pt. 11... How Can I Have FAITH?

October 22, 2023 • Pastor Dave Trimble • Hebrews 11:1–6

It’s one thing to talk about faith – it’s quite another to act on faith.        - Today, we simply want to get a grasp on what faith is        - and there isn’t just one easy way to define it, so this morning we are going to define it with different statements that are derived from the 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews:   F.A.I.T.H. - forsaking all I trust Him. -  If there was ever a time for an earth shaking, mountain moving, devil defying, sin destroying, revival bringing, faith; this is the time, this is the age, this is the hour. -  And not only do we need to possess a faith, we need to have a faith that possess us. - I want you to think about what faith is.   FAITH IS…     Hebrews 11:1-6

Pt. 13... What Are Spiritual Gifts?

October 29, 2023 • Pastor Dave Trimble • Romans 12:6–8, 1 Corinthians 12:1–7

1. You may never have thought of it this way….but - as a member of God’s family you are a gifted child - God has wrapped up a gift in you 2. You may say, “I’m not gifted; I’m just a lowly peon, a nobody!” - Not so! - Alexander The Great, a conquering General….years ago gave a beautiful priceless golden cup to one of his servants. a. When the servant saw the gift, he said, “Oh, no, that’s to much for me to receive.” b. Alexander drew himself up and said, “It is not too much for me to give.” 3. That’s what God would say to us 4.  At the Judgment Seat of Christ…you will give an account of what you did    with your spiritual gift a. You need to discover your spiritual gift

Pt.14... How Do I Pray?

November 12, 2023 • Pastor Dave • Matthew 6:9–13

We ought always to pray and not give up…           Praying with power! 1. There’s not a more important subject in all the world for a Christian Not only to learn how to pray… - But to pray with power - To pray in the spirit - To pray to get prayers answered 2.     As Christians we must realize… - Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer - Except that which lies outside the will of God - Prayer can do anything that God can do   Matthew 6:9-13 “The Lord’s Prayer”……..”The Model Prayer”

Pt. 15… How Do I Understand the BIBLE?

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Dave Trimble • Psalm 119

Introduction… 1. Someone once said: A Bible in the hand is worth two in the bookcase. 2. And someone else said: A Bible stored in the mind is worth a dozen stored in the bottom of one’s trunk. 3. DL Moody said: “The scriptures were not given for our information but our transformation.” 4. Mark Twain, not exactly a die-hard Christian, wrote these words: “Most people are bothered by those passages of Scripture they do not understand, but the passages that bother me most are those I do understand.” 5. No matter how many times you have been through it, let it go through you. 6. God’s word is like salt in the back of your car in the winter. It’s a lot more useful when you take it out and apply it. We need an appreciation for the Word. How many have a Bible today? How many do you have at home?  How many have it in a digital format?     Did you know that having your own entire copy of the Word of God is a relatively new thing in Christianity?  For a great majority of Christian history only a select few had small portions of it.  Even in days of Renaissance and advancement churches had one Bible, and it was chained to the pulpit so no one could steal it!   With the advent of the printing press [Gutenberg, Johann, not Steve] it became more common for common folk to be able to gain their own copy. That's good, right?  But something else happened that's not so good, which is us today taking it for granted.  - We get more out of the Bible when we let it get into us.