
Pt.2 "The Unclaimed Gift"

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Dave Trimble • John 1:1–14

The Unclaimed Gift...

     1. We're all familiar w/Christmas story in Luke.

                - Shepherds & angels & a baby in a manger.

     2. And every year the Christmas story is read in Matthew.

                - The magi coming from afar bringing their gifts & then outwitting Herod.

     3. Seldom do we read the Christmas story in the Gospel of John.

                -The Christmas story in John is so brief in words yet so profound in its

depth & meaning.

           READ…John 1:1-14…..repeat….. vs.14 & vs.11

 A summary of the whole life & ministry of Jesus.

             1. "He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him."

             2. Pick up the theme in Bethlehem, "No room at the Inn".

             3. Pick it up again in Nazareth-- No room for Jesus in His hometown--

they took Him to a cliff & tried to kill Him.

             4. There was no room for Jesus in the religious establishment-

-you will remember their rejection of Him.  

             5. Lastly, there was no room for Jesus on earth, so they suspended Him

above it on a cross.

             6. Theme that comes up again & again in the gospel story-

-"He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him."


Pt.1 “The Lamb”

December 17, 2023 • Pastor Dave Trimble • Genesis 22:8–14, Exodus 12, Isaiah 53

Were there sheep at the manger?  - We don’t know for sure, but I assume there were since there were shepherds there.  - One thing is absolutely positive, there was a Lamb there...and Mary’s little Lamb was the promised One Who would wash us white as snow!   We’re going to focus on Jesus as the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. - Even before God began to construct creation, he made provision for the sins     of a fallen race. - The Lamb is cradled in the womb of the Old Testament, whose types and     symbols, promises and prophecies are pregnant with the truths of Jesus.