
Prayer List

June Prayer List

Adley Gaines (Cousin of Chris Huff)
Daisy Mattingly
Dale Allen (Brother-in-law of Dennis Woods)
Doug Miller
Elmer Cunnagin
Ernest Matt House
Glenn Robinson (Son of Doris Robinson)
Glenn Toney
Jaclynne Keen (Friend of Duff Holcomb)
Jared Witt (Friend of Sherry Osborne)
Joy McFadden
Kizzie Cornett
Kyle Stuart (Son of Mary Stuart)
Leia Hansel (21 month old with Covid-19)
Marsha Ross (Mother of Julie Rea)
Pat Kelley (Friend of Joe Allen)
Ray Throckmorten (Father of Jane Rodgers)
Rodney Armstrong
Ron Stabler (Uncle of Sherry Osborne)
Shannon White (Friend of Hazalee Vice)
Sharon House
Sue Hignite
Viola and Randell Brewer
Willard Collett
Police Officers, First Responders

Pray for those who are grieving: Diane Allen at the loss of her uncle; Mark Bowling at the loss of his sister; Kathy Roughton at the loss of her father; Beth Hamm at the loss of her mother; Frances Shepherd at the loss of her sister; Tina Jones at the loss of her sister; Dennis Woods at the loss of his mother; The family of Marlene Abbott; The family of Joyce Cobb; Larry Jamieson at the loss of his mother; Yvonne Crook at the loss of her brother; Jon Noland at the loss of his mother; Monty Wilder at the loss of his father; The family of Mike Kissel; The family of Bob Morris; Tommie Lou Walden at the loss of her father; Kim Garrison at the loss of her father; The family of Ralph Cornett; The family of Bob Blakeman; Ginger Cornett at the loss of her father; Kim Smith at the loss of her Uncle; Carol Duvall at the loss of her mother; The Family of Zora Mae Young; The Family of Betty Breeding; Glenn Cobb at the loss of his brother-in-law; David Westerfield at the loss of his brother; Ryan Reece at the loss of his brother.