
Why Don't Christians Follow All of the Old Testament Law?

Bible Matters Podcast with Chase Snyder

April 24, 2023 • Chase Snyder

Have you ever wondered why Christians don’t follow all of the Old Testament Laws? 

Has anyone accused you of picking and choosing which parts of the old testament you want to follow when you are trying to share scripture with them? 

Do you have a hard time knowing which ones still apply today and why?

In this episode Chase answers the question, “Why don’t we follow all of the Old Testament Laws?”

3 Spiritual Habits to Develop This Year

January 1, 2024 • Chase Snyder

Many view the new year as a new opportunity to develop habits and to make changes. As you consider new years resolution here are 3 spiritual habits that you should develop this year that will help you draw near to Jesus each week.

4 Misconceptions About What Happened During the First Christmas

December 18, 2023 • Chase Snyder

Are all of our depictions of the first Christmas correct? In this episode Chase sheds light on 4 misconceptions about the first Christmas.

Keep Your Eyes On Jesus This Christmas

December 7, 2023 • Chase Snyder

Welcome to the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also the busiest time of the year.  Christmas provides us an opportunity to draw near to Jesus each calendar year, but the busyness of the season jeopardizes our worship of Jesus.  In this episode Chase talks about how you can keep your eyes on Jesus this Christmas.