
What To Do When Family Hurts You

January 28, 2024 • Chase Snyder • Genesis 45

There are fewer pains deeper than the pain that can be caused by family. Family members can give life to one another but they can also destroy trust and cause hurt. As Christians, what should we do when family hurts us? Joseph was betrayed by his brothers. Years later his family was in need and Joseph was in a position to either extend forgiveness and help to his family or to respond with revenge and repay his brothers for the pain they caused him. Joseph chose to extend forgiveness and to restore their family. In this sermon we will learn how we can be avenues for forgiveness when dealing with our family dynamics as we seek to restore not to get revenge. 

What To Do When Someone Betrays You

January 7, 2024 • Chase Snyder • Genesis 37

There are fewer pains than when someone betrays you. People can betray your trust, spread lies about you, fail to follow through on a responsibility, or cheat on you. What should you do when people betray you?  Joseph was betrayed by his brothers because they were frustrated with the favor that was shown to him. There are five things to do: remember that the Lord is with you, fervently pray, bless, don’t curse, don’t retaliate, and live at peace as far as it depends on you. 

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

January 14, 2024 • Chase Snyder • Genesis 39

It is never easy when you have to make a decision in a difficult situation. There are times when you know the right answer but the fallout from that decision causes you to question if you should do the right thing.   Joseph was tempted by Potifer’s wife to dishonor God and his boss. Joseph made the right decision but being honorable landed him in prison. There is a simple framework we can use to make sure we are making the right decision, even when doing the right thing hurts our reputation, opportunities, or relationships. The framework is to answer the following questions: What does God’s word say about this? Have I prayed about this? When do those disciplining me say about this decision? How can I remain faithful to Jesus after I make this decision? 

What to do When Your Service Goes Unnoticed

January 21, 2024 • Chase Snyder • Genesis 40—41, Colossians 3:23–24

Is all of the work you are doing making a difference? 2 out of 3 American employees feel unappreciated at work. While being unappreciated at work is a tough spot to be in, what should you do when you are serving God with your talents and spiritual gifts and it seems like your service isn’t making a difference? Your kids don’t seem to change. Your friends aren’t taking your biblical wisdom seriously. People are still in need and the person you’ve been praying for hasn’t accepted the Gospel.  Joseph used his God-given ability to help the cupbearer and Joseph only asked for one thing in return: for the cupbearer to remember him. It took 2 years for the cupbearer to remember Joseph. How should we respond when all of the gospel work that we are doing doesn’t seem like it is making a difference or that it is going unnoticed and others have success while you are left imprisoned (still in prison).  Colossians 3:23-24 instructs us to work as though we are working for the Lord, not for men.