
Passion Week

Palm Sunday

March 24, 2024 • John Hunn

The Seven Prayers of Passion Week:

1. Pray for God to be Glorified

2. Pray for the Gospel of God to be Exalted

3. Pray for the entire Globe to be Impacted

4. Pray for those Invited to be Receptive

5. Pray for those Saved to get Excited

6. Pray for the Saved to stay Excited

7. Pray for America to be Impacted

Sunday: Jesus enters Jerusalem as the rightful King - Matthew 21:1-11

Monday: Jesus angers the Jewish Religious Establishment by cleansing the temple - Matthew 21:12-17 (first cleansing John 2:13-22)

Tuesday: Jesus exposes the hypocrisy of the Jewish Religious Establishment - Matthew 23:1-36 & Jesus explains the signs of the Last Days (frequency/intensity) - Matthew 24:1-14 (15-28)

Wednesday: Jesus rested and was anointed Matthew 26:6-13 while Judas was bribed to betray Him - Matthew 26:14-16

Thursday: Jesus experiences Passover with His disciples Matthew 26:17-25 then points to His gospel as the fulfillment of Passover - Matthew 26:26-30 then Jesus fulfills the prophecy that even His friends will forsake Him - Matthew 26:31-35 then Jesus takes Peter, James, & John to Gethsemane to pray before His betrayal - before His arrest - before His mock trial - before His scourging Matthew 26:36-75