
The Celebration Continues

The Folly of Following a Dead Man

April 21, 2024 • John Hunn • John 2:18–22, John 5:24, John 10:10, 1 Corinthians 15:1–19

The Resurrection Celebration Pt 4

The Folly of Following a Dead Man / I Corinthians 15:1-19


Christianity - Victory or Vanity?


Resurrection wasn’t something Jesus hoped for. Resurrection was something Jesus planned for / prepared for! Jesus predicted 4 Major Events that came to pass within 3 days of each other.


(1) His betrayal / denial

(2) His arrest / suffering

(3) His death

(4) His resurrection -

John 2:18-22 (The Sign)

John 5:24

John 10:10 (can’t offer what you don’t possess)

John 10:17-18 (crystal clear)

John 12:25-26 (Powerful and Personal)

(5) Oh and a 5th yet to be fulfilled - His return!



I. The Evidences of Resurrection - vv. 1-4


II. The Appearances of Resurrection - vv. 5-11


III. The Consequences of No Resurrection - vv. 12-19


Jesus still dead -

Preaching is worthless -

Faith is worthless -

False witnesses -

Still in sin -

Those passed have perished -

We are to be pitied -


Christianity w/out a risen Savior is like having a car w/out an engine (it won’t move); like having a flashlight w/out a battery (can’t shine); like having wood w/out fire (doesn’t warm). Christianity w/out a risen Savior is a waste of time, a waste of energy, a wasted life. Is the resurrection a HOPE or a Hoax?


Romans 10:9-10

The Celebration Continues

May 19, 2024 • John Hunn • Luke 16:19–31

I. The Rich Man & Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31 Jesus says 3 Main Things: (1) Religious people go to Hell - (2) Rich people go to Hell (3) You are going to Hell unless you change your ways (and their hatred for Jesus continued to build)

The Celebration Continues

April 28, 2024 • John Hunn • 1 Thessalonians 1

I. The Church @ Thessalonica - Acts 17:1-11 II. The 6 Marks of a Healthy Church (Based on the Test & Testimony) We must examine WHAT we do and WHY we do it!  1. The Work of Faith - WHAT/WHY  We work because we believe  2. The Labor of Love - WHAT/WHY  We labor because we love  3. The Endurance of Hope - WHAT/WHY  We persevere because we have hope  (A church that lacks work; labor or endurance is a church that lacks faith, hope, & love!) I Corinthians 13:13 (We Turn; We Serve; & We Wait!) II. Turning to God from idols - Serving the living and true God  Waiting on His Son (1:10; 2:19; 3:11-13; 4:15-17; 5:23)  a. The One coming from Heaven  b. The One Whom He raised from the dead  c. The One Who rescues us from the wrath to come 

The Celebration Continues

April 14, 2024 • John Hunn • Acts 1:3, Acts 2:22–24, Romans 1:1–4, Ephesians 1:15–23, Colossians 3:1–4

The Continuation of the Cross a. Acts 1:3 - The Living King concludes His earthly teaching b. Acts 2:22-24 - The Point of Pentecost c. Romans 1:1-4 - The Right Focus for Rome d. Ephesians 1:15-23 - The Power in Prayer e. Colossians 3:1-4 - The Direction of Dedicated Disciples