If our words are so powerful – if, as God says, ‘life and death are in the power of the tongue’ – then what can we do to make sure that our tongues are a source of life to other people? God also says that the tongue is impossible to tame. Well then, what are we to do?! God has the solution.
Careless Words - part II
December 3, 2024 • Dr. Kathy Wood
Are you a grumbler?
December 17, 2024 • Dr. Kathy Wood
Life has a way of not going how we expect it to go. People disappoint us and situations trip us up. Before we know it, we find ourselves complaining about our lot in life. So what? Doesn’t everyone have the right to complain sometimes? The Israelites certainly thought so as they wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years. But grumbling and complaining did not turn out well for them…
Careless Words - part I
November 19, 2024 • Dr. Kathy Wood
Do the words we speak really matter all that much? Could they matter more than we realize? Is it possible that some of the rewards that God promises us in His word depend on OUR words? A very sobering thought – let’s look more closely at this.
Self-Control - part II
November 12, 2024 • Dr. Kathy Wood
Self-control is a supernatural result of God being in control of your life. In this podcast we will look at some biblical examples of people without self-control and of people who did have self-control. What are some areas of our lives that often reveal lack of self-control? And, what happens if we don’t develop godly self-control? Are there any warnings for us?