
Finding The Gospel in Ted Lasso

What Was Needed....

August 27, 2023

Together we are stronger and offer to the world a more diverse and fuller representation of who we were made to be.

The High Road

August 20, 2023

How might the church model this for the world today?

What Do You Get From Your Identity From?

August 13, 2023

Are there ways that we are putting our identity in earthly things rather than in our relationship with Christ?

Do The Right Thing: Three Simple Rules

August 6, 2023

Sometimes doing the right thing causes us to take a stand even when it is outside of something that directly impacts us. Wesley called the people called Methodist to live by three “simple” rules which is we are honest with ourselves call us into a life that is quite costly and difficult to lead. What does it look like for us to do the right thing, especially when it is difficult?

The Most Unlikely Person

July 30, 2023

Who is the last person you would expect (or maybe the last person you would want) to help you in a situation like that? What might it look like for us to live as ones who show mercy in every aspect of our lives, especially to those we don’t want to or who have made our lives difficult.

Second Chance

July 23, 2023

Are there times in your life when you have been offered grace, forgiveness, and second chances?

Curiosity Not Judgement

July 16, 2023

This is one of the most quintessential “Lasso” moment from season 1 in which Ted confronts Rupert (ex-husband and series villain) about the attitude and actions that are intentionally causing harm to Rebecca (Ted’s boss and Rupert’s Ex). During this scene Ted dominates a darts game and challenges Rupert to open his mind beyond the assumptions that he quickly established about Ted. What if “curiosity rather than judgement” was how we approached our interactions with others as followers of Christ. Might curiosity beget conversation so that conversation might beget relationship. What if followers of Christ were known as those who care rather than those who judge?