The most effective path to generosity is a spiritual path where you set your heart
on things above. Then, your financial priorities will naturally flow out of your
spiritual priorities.
People often describe this as “living a generous lifestyle.” It is always a temptation
to give to God in such a way that it makes little impact on how you live. The
challenge of living a generous lifestyle is to intentionally and prayerfully find ways
to do just that – to let your giving touch your living!
King David declared, “I will not give to God that which costs me nothing.” (2 Samuel 24:24)
He understood that the value of the gift presented to God is determined by its
value to the giver.
A gift that would touch the heart of God must first touch the life of the giver! This
is the spirit of lifestyle generosity — “If it is for my God, my gift must have meaning
and value to me.”
Lifestyle generosity is a level of giving that affects you – your plans, your activities,
your attitude and your approach to life. It means giving up something in one area
so that you can give more of yourself in another.