
Ever-Present Teacher (The Vine)

April 23, 2023

Peter says that we can lean on God and put our trust in God because of what Christ has done. What has Christ done? Christ came to help us live the life He intended for us to live. He came to teach us to live by love, seek to give more than receive, and to serve more than be served. Jesus taught such things and lived them out. He taught, “no greater love hath a person than to lay down life for another” and then went about laying down His life to show us how much he loved us. Many talk about love today, I wonder how many really understand its cost?

Living Water (The Vine)

May 28, 2023

Jesus makes the “I Am” statement. I Am the Living Water. I Am the one who will give you living water that will quench questions of the heart. When you thirst for something more –I am that something more. When you are looking for something else to fill the void, I Am that something else. I Am the one who will cause rivers of joy to flood your soul. I Am the one who allows peace to fill you up. I Am the one who will give you a life filled with meaning and purpose.

Faithful Friend (The Vine)

May 21, 2023

Peter says in hard times, be encouraged. You are not alone. In difficult times, be faithful you will not be left alone. In times of fear, have faith. In times of temptation, be self- controlled. God in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit will help you stand strong, firm and steadfast.

Steward of Grace (The Vine)

May 14, 2023

Peter calls us to dedicate ourselves to God for the long haul just as Jesus dedicated Himself to God. Jesus was a steward of God’s grace and calls us to do the same. What does it mean to be a steward of Grace?