
The Call to Store Up Treasures in Heavan

The Sermon on the Mount Series

November 10, 2019 • Garry McNeill

1) ___________________ Treasure
v. 19
2) ___________________ Treasure
v. 20
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
3) ___________________ Treasure
v. 21-24
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

The Call to Live by the Golden Rule

January 12, 2020 • Garry McNeill

The Call to Build on the Rock

January 5, 2020 • Garry McNeill

The Call to Enter the Narrow Gate

December 8, 2019 • Garry McNeill

1) Two Kinds of ___________________ v. 13-14 To truly follow Jesus, you will be in the minority. John 15:19; Acts 14:22; Luke 6:22 2) Two Kinds of ___________________ v. 15-20 To truly follow Jesus, you will have to discern between many voices. 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 Different Jesus Different Spirit Different Gospel 4 Math Operations of the Cults ADD to the Word of God SUBTRACT from the person of Christ MULTIPLY the requirements for salvation DIVIDE the loyalty of the follower 3) Two Kinds of ___________________ v. 21-23 To truly follow Jesus, you must have a relationship with Him. Empty WORDS Empty WORKS